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The faces behind (and on) the screen.

The following production team interns are representative of the Winter/Spring 2021 Cohort 4. Some members of the production team are placed with the Show for an entire semester, while others are with us for 6-7 months. Each one of the production team members brings a very unique perspective, insight, and observation to the weekly production of each episode. More importantly, each one remains open to learning, growing, and expanding their awareness and understanding of social and criminal justice reform issues. Production team members are exposed to the nuances that exist in this space to enlighten their understanding so that they may return to their communities armed, from an informed place, that changes individuals as well as communities.

Melissa Sogavo

Melissa is a NxGen Media Intern and associate producer for The Justice Beat Talk Show. She is also a first-year student in Adler University's Master of Arts in Counseling and Art Therapy program. Melissa is widowed and hopes to use her degree to help others in their loss and grief through therapy.

Christine Krumsee

Christine is a NxGen Media Intern and associate producer for The Justice Beat Talk Show. She is a student in Adler University's Master of Arts in Counseling and Art Therapy program, and also has a Bachelor's degree in fine arts. She has taught yoga for 11 years both nationally and internationally. She is also a musician who has provided therapeutic music programming at hospitals in Colorado and Chicago.

Alyssa Upchurch

Alyssa is a NxGen Media Intern and blogger for The Justice Beat Talk Show. She graduated from Michigan State University in 2019 with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is currently a first-year student in Adler University's Doctorate of Clinical Psychology program. Alyssa hopes to use her degree to treat mood, anxiety, and eating disorders in adolescents and adults.

Reginald Carter

Reginald is a NxGen Media Intern and associate producer for the Just-Us Youth Talk Show. He is also a first-year student at Adler University studying Sport and Human Performance and Rehabilitation Counseling.

Rachel Schnelle

Rachel is a NxGen Media Intern and audio blogger for The Justice Beat Talk Show. She is currently a junior at Missouri State University studying radio convergence reporting. She is from Lockwood, Missouri.

Asia Hall

Asia is a NxGen Media Intern and associate producer for the Just-Us Youth Talk Show. She is a first-year student at Adler University pursuing her Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. She is also a licensed therapist in Michigan.

Claire Reiser

Claire is a NxGen Media Intern and video blogger for The Justice Beat Talk Show. She is also a student at Adler University in the Master of Arts in Counseling and Art Therapy program.

Chris Johnson

Chris is a NxGen Media Intern and production assistant for The Justice Beat Talk Show. He attends Howard University where he studies theatre.

Michaela Siddle

Michaela is a NxGen Media Intern who is currently shadowing and cross-training the production lead of The Justice Beat Talk Show. She is a senior at The University of Missouri - St. Louis studying mass media with a minor in studio art. In her free time, she enjoys traveling and photography. She has been to 9 different countries!

Bobby Murphy

Bobby is a NxGen Media Intern and technical production lead for The Justice Beat Talk Show. He is a senior at The University of Missouri - St. Louis majoring in media studies.

Nicholas Marselle

Nicholas is a NxGen Media Intern, blogger, and associate producer for the legal segment for The Justice Beat Talk Show. He graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and is currently a first-year student in Adler University's Doctorate of Clinical Psychology program. Nicholas hopes to use his degree to treat children and adolescents with neurodevelopment disorders such as ADD and ADHD. He is a native Chicagoan.

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